Saturday, September 13, 2008

September Stories

Two weeks into the new school year and not too painful so far, though getting up at 6 a.m. is harder now that it's darker each morning. Summer lingers still, with ripening tomatoes and flowerpots overflowing & lush. I love the pineapple mint, a cream & green variegated variety that blends beautifully with dark burgundy coleus and white-green double petunias. Makes a nice iced tea too. The scarlet runner beans are producing so vigorously I can just keep up, have to pick and cook about two cups per day. Wouldn't be fall without powdery mildow on some plants, and the bee balm definitely needs cutting back on that account - it's getting shabby anyway.

For one dollar, I picked up a bright red New Guinea impatiens at a season-end sale, and it's blossoming out with lovely big blooms, looks pretty next to a pot of portulaca that's all shades of the rainbow. In the lower garden bed, pink Autumn Joy sedum has taken over as the star, so big it looks more like a small shrub than one plant. I have just a few sweet peas blooming now, but they are lovely, sweet scented Matucanas, a purple-lavender blossom that scents a whole room. My sister has sweet peas in tiny vases on every windowsill, in a mix of rose, white and purple blooms. Next year I hope to have more, love the mix of scent and colour.

The hummingbirds are still around, though not seen as often. One little female rubythroat was busy at the feeder yesterday, then tried the fuchsia, the rose impatiens and the yellow blooms on the butterfly bush. Bees are attracted to that as well, and the song of crickets is still noticeable on warm days. The field behind the upper garden bed is a swath of goldenrod, with songbirds darting in around it all day long and into the evenings. I've seen chickadees, common yellowthroats, sparrows and yellow-rumped warblers in the last few days. A pileated woodpecker often flies over screeching maniacally, and crows are better than an alarm clock as soon as it gets light. It's seldom silent, always a sense of life seen and unseen all around.

It's getting too chilly at night for tenting, so my son and his friends have reluctantly given up on their weekend campouts. All summer they enjoyed campfires on the beach and tenting out in the woods. Getting together for house parties doesn't have the same atmosphere, though they enjoy movies & videogames as an alternative. Games like Risk & Middle Earth Role Play are popular too - if only homework evoked the same enthusiasm!
I'm not enthused by the prospect of a fall election - a hypocritical attempt to gain more power and a waste of public funds to do it. It would be so much better to carry on with necessary business instead of squabbling like a bunch of poorly disciplined kindergarten children. So it goes, I guess. Real change comes along fairly seldom, and I must admit I envy our neighbours to the south the challenge they have this time around. Now that would be an exciting election choice!!

Recently read and much enjoyed "Extra-Virgin" (author's name forgotten at present), the story of two friends who moved to a small town in Tuscany, long before it became a trendy destination. Their attempt to restore an old place and fit into small town life make an interesting and at times humorous story, a good read.