I'm looking out the window at a very dark and rainy Friday afternoon. Guess that's why I've been putting tropical sunrise wallpaper on my computer screen, just a little lift for the January blahs that threaten to settle in early this year. Too much sad news, like everyone else in my region I was shocked and heartsick about the accident which killed seven boys on the basketball team and a teacher from Bathurst. They were all close to my son's age - it's all too easy to relate.
Watched the televised public funeral and laughed and cried along with half the province, as well as the 5000+ people who attended. The little things, how a guy liked paintball, one loved Guitar Hero (my son loves it too); one boy's sister laughing about what a lousy dancer he was. Just five minutes from home and safety and they were lost. Life is so precious and so fragile and every now and then an event like this really brings it home to most of us.
I always feel that since there is no guarantee of tomorrow, one should make the most of today. Just taking the time to notice the little things around us usually picks up my spirits. It's hard not to laugh if you watch the chickadees and the red squirrel trying to dodge each other back and forth at the feeder. The squirrel is sooo bold!!! He watches my approach, waiting until the last possible moment to jump back into the tree off the feeder tray - saucy bugger!!
Even as I write, the rain has stopped and the sun is actually peering out. First time I've seen it in about three days. Several nights have been beautiful, with a brilliant half moon over silvered snow, and Venus so bright it seems you could touch it.
The school bus just dropped off previously mentioned son, who as usual is burning to get on the computer - "Muum, I need the computer" - so I'll sign off here for today.